Spreading Misinformation

Lisa has a long history of creating “exposed” videos about other creators, though often with little proof or evidence to back up serious claims. She still makes these kinds of videos today, continuing to spread misinformation and drama. Some key incidents include making false accusations against ItsFunneh, another family-friendly YouTuber, without providing proof of criminal allegations. While other creators may have their own issues, Lisa offers viewers no real facts to validate her claims.

Repeated Toxic Behavior in Gaming Communities

On two separate occasions, Lisa recording videos where she deliberately deleted player-built houses in the popular building game Bloxburg. This extreme trolling caused major upset among the game’s community. In her second video, she forgot to hide her in-game nametag and was permanently banned as a result. Both incidents drew widespread criticism of her harassing behavior toward other players.

Broken Promises of Reform

After past controversies over spreading lies and trolling other creators, Lisa uploaded an apology video claiming she wanted to be more positive. However, her behavior reverted back to old problematic ways within just a few short months. She was unable to maintain the standards of conduct she promised fans and fellow YouTubers.

Normalizing Bullying

During her Bloxburg house deleting series, Lisa openly made fun of another player for being a fan of ItsFunneh. Rather than promote kindness, she normalized bullying others for their interests or who they support. This sets a poor example, especially for her largely child audience.

Unsuitable and Misleading Content

Despite branding her channel as family-friendly, Lisa has shown swear words in videos before. This contradicts her claims of keeping content appropriate and kid-safe. She also adds unnecessary negative or dramatic information to appeals, seemingly to look more innocent rather than take responsibility for her own actions.

Inability to Accept Criticism

When faced with any criticism of her behavior, whether videos exposing controversies or viewers’ comments, Lisa dismissively brands it as “shade.” Rather than engage thoughtfully with fair points, she refuses to acknowledge her own wrongdoings. This deflecting attitude prevents growth or meaningful change.

Lack of Accountability

On two occasions, once through an exposed username and another by including too many identifying details, Lisa’s appeals have lacked accountability for her own rule-breaking. Even with multiple chances, she continues making the same mistakes and disrespecting community guidelines set by game creators.

Cycle of Empty Promises

Despite a pledge to reform, Lisa reverted to her usual negative ways within only a few short months. By repeatedly breaking conduct promises through spreading lies, trolling, bullying, and disrespecting criticism, she has lost credibility. Viewers can no longer trust that she is sincere about ending past problematic behavior for good.


Over many controversies spanning years, Lisa gaming has proven unable or unwilling to uphold standards of truth, accountability, respect and positivity within her content and interactions both on and offline. Though still popular due to her size, her channel promotes and normalizes behaviors inappropriate for impressionable younger fans. As long as this irresponsible cycle continues, distrust of her intentions will only grow stronger.